Meeting of Marseille, 13th March 2012

« Bringing together the world’s major stakeholders in inland navigation »
On the occasion of the 6th World Water Forum being held in Marseille, the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine took the initiative of bringing together the world’s major stakeholders in inland navigation at a side event held on 13rd March 2012. The purpose of the meeting was to establish links among the authorities that manage the major navigable waterways, and to embark on an exchange of information and experience. Many vital river basins around the world were present for the occasion and a joint declaration has been adopted, to recall the growing importance of river navigation, which constitutes a sustainable mode of transport in global terms and to emphasize the need to work together on his promotion. Other inland navigation authorities are encouraged to join the initiative and an Internet platform for information and discussion aimed at promoting this mode of transport should be set up in the near future. A second event could be organised, to tie in with the SMART Rivers workshop organised by PIANC in September 2013.
Joint declaration of Marseille
- Presentation of the initiative and introduction of the workshop : Mr. Jean-Marie Woehrling, General Secretary, Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine
- IWT and sustainability: a holistic approach : Mr. Hans Guttman, CEO, Mekong River Commission
- How one river basin can benefit from experiences in another: Mr. Harrie de Leijer, Director Strategy Panteia, Business Unit NEA
- Le transport par voie d’eau à l’heure de la mondialisation : Mme Edwige Belliard, Conseiller d’Etat and President, Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine
- Presentation on Indian Inland Waterways : Mr. Gopinathan Nair Prasanth, Inland Waterways Authority of India (Ministry of Shipping, Govt of India)
- Common Issues for Inland Waterborne Transport at a Global Level : Mr. Robert Pietrowsky, Director, USA Institute for Water Resources
- Inland waterway transport in times of globalisation : Mr. Luiz Carlos Rodrigues Ribeiro, General Coordinator for economic planning, Brazilian Ministry of Transport,