2nd Asian Development Bank High-Level Workshop on Inland Waterway Transport
15 July 2013 – 16 July 2013 – Manila, Philippines Many Asian countries have networks of rivers and canals that can support inland navigation. However, until now, this potential has remained underdeveloped, especially due to a lack of interest from national policies compared with other transport modes, but also to a lack of investment in infrastructure and services. Noting the large opportunity for work in this area, the Asian Development
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6th PIANC Smart Rivers Conference – 23/27 September in Maastricht & Liège!
The 2013 edition of the PIANC – SMART Rivers Conference will be held in the cities Maastricht (the Netherlands) and Liège (Belgium) from 23 and 27 September 2013. There will be two days for commissions and working group meetings, followed by two Conference days with presentation of papers in three parallel sessions. The PIANC SMART Rivers Conference 2013 will conclude with technical excursions to destinations in the Netherlands as well as
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WWINN present at the next SMART RIVERS Conference 2013 !
In the frame of the next SMART RIVERS Conference 2013 organizied by PIANC in Liège and Maastricht from 23 to 27 September 2013, a special event of WWINN will be organized for its members and all the inland navigation authorities interest to join in. More information to come on this website and on http://smartrivers2013.org/
Welcome on www.WWINN.org!
The Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR) and all the members of the WWINN (World Wide Inland Navigation Network) are pleased to announce the launch of this e-platform dedicated to presenting and promoting inland navigation worldwide. At the 6th World Water Forum in March 2012, a number of the main stakeholders in inland navigation throughout the world met in Marseille at the CCNR’s initiative. Those present at
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Meeting of Marseille, 13th March 2012

« Bringing together the world’s major stakeholders in inland navigation » On the occasion of the 6th World Water Forum being held in Marseille, the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine took the initiative of bringing together the world’s major stakeholders in inland navigation at a side event held on 13rd March 2012. The purpose of the meeting was to establish links among the authorities that manage the major navigable
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