The Danube
2860 Km
All along the Danube
Countries crossed:
Germany, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova, Ukraine
Inland navigation authority:
Danube Commission (Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Germany, Moldova, the Russian Federation, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Ukraine and Croatia)
About 40.000.000t/year
Facts of importance:
The Danube is the longest river in central Europe. The Region has very wide disparities and the traffic has long been reduced due to the cold war context.
The Danube Commission is an international intergovernmental organization established by the Convention regarding the regime of navigation on the Danube signed in Belgrade on 18 August 1948. The main objectives of the Danube Commission’s activity are to provide and develop free navigation on the Danube for the commercial vessels flying the flag of all states in accordance with interests and sovereign rights of the Member States, as well as to strengthen and develop economic and cultural relations of the said states among themselves and with the other countries.
The Danube River itself is a major TEN-T Corridor of the European Union and is concerned by many EU initiatives.
Main challenges for the future:
- -Waste Management Issues
- -The Danube request, based on the Baltic experience, underlines an integrated approach to sustainable development
- -Need for greater multimodality,
- -Better interconnection with other river basins modernizing and extending
- -Infrastructure in transport modes such as inland ports

Volumes transported on the Danube in 2008-2009

Source: Danube Commission