The Rhine
1320 Km
From Basel to Rotterdam (884km)
Countries crossed:
Switzerland, Germany, France, Netherlands
Inland navigation authority :
Central Commission for the navigation of the Rhine (Switzerland Germany, France, Belgium and Netherlands)
330.000.000 Tons/year
Facts of importance:
The Rhine constitutes the backbone of inland navigation in Europe. It is used by more than two-thirds of all goods carried by inland waterway.New markets are booming; these include the transport of containers, weight-intensive goods, chemicals and passengers.
The Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR) was created in 1815 at the Congress of Vienna and has been empowered by the Mannheim Act (1868) to ensure the prosperity of navigation on the Rhine and throughout Europe, and a high level of safety for navigation and its environment. The Central Commission currently has five member States (Germany, Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Switzerland) and a number of observer States are also associated with its work.
Main challenges for the future:
- -Increase the focus on environmental sustainability
- -Increase the market share in Europe of inland navigation as transport mode
- -Ensure more seamless freight transport connections in Europe
- -Foster technology advancements

Type of goods carried on the Rhine

Source : CCNR